Pater loved parties
Champagne and horses
A giver to those who craved
While Mater was a smasher
A beauty
The giving of
Flying crystal
What Sam remembered most about his parents in
This monsoon
Colonial world of
Befuddled Ceylon was
His parents
Weren't there
A whirlwind of faces and spaces
Greed and need
Spin by
The Hamilton Case
Embroiling white and dark tensions
Test Sam's legal powers
But his insights are coloured
Not clear
And Sam was not married
Beyond the Hamilton question
Life bumbles on
Cramped with jungle fever and
Tangled insanities
Maud his mother
Ekes out her time in
The refuse of tattered glamour and
The ghosts of her son Leo
(The one who plods)
Emerges from Sam's old "Neddy" school world
Like some quasi-spiritual seer
Some mysteries for Sam's son
So many
Rich glimpses of
A colonial
Monsoon world where a
Social fabric is
Not there
The Hamilton Case (2003) ~ Michelle de Kretser
The Hamilton Case by
Michelle de Kretser
If you are seeking an intriguing crime mystery, (implied by the title) warped with a few red herrings along a linear narrative of progress, "The Hamilton Case" does not deliver. Instead, the novel explores colonial worlds of old Ceylon - embedded with character detail, past and present lives, driven by 1st and 3rd person speakers and all in a pendulum motion defying time sequence. A glorious tropical world becomes matted with fevered images, irritatingly vague but always intriguing. Finally the novel unveils the last version of Maud, strung with out of date glamour. Then the multitude of previous detours tumble in, tying up threads, like a cascade of relief. And the Hamilton Case, not mentioned till one third of the way through the novel, (then left swinging), returns, like a re-incarnation, with some answers and new questions. The Hamilton Case becomes a symbol for so many other crimes lurking insidiously beneath the social masks. Ultimately, the novel is a paradox, offering bizarre glimpses of a dysfunctional, colonial society in a sweltering conglomeration of personalities.
I still don't know if I love this novel.
And yet, I still don't know if I don't.
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
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