These paper boats of mine are meant to dance on the ripples of hours, and not reach any destination... Rabindranath Tagore

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past...F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby

We were the people who were not in the papers. We lived in the blank white spaces at the edges of print. It gave us more freedom. We lived in the gaps between the stories.
On the way to the river are the old dormitories, used for something else now, with their fairy-tale turrets, painted white and gold and blue. When we think of the past it's the beautiful things we pick out. We want to believe it was all like that.
--from Margaret Atwood - The Handmaid's Tale

Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another's skin, another's voice, another's soul.
- Joyce Carol Oates

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Line

The Line (2010) - Teri Hall

 Labor Pools
The Council
Unified States

Close the door to problems
Mandatory status
Streamlined dystopia
Unified States

Elizabeth Moore
Matriarch of The Property
Single mother
Rachel her daughter
Groomed in controlled beliefs
Apprentice orchid keeper



Curious gifts arise from
The bombs of change

 Unified States
Close the door to problems

The Line (The Line, #1)The Line by Teri Hall
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Line is like the threatening, divisive prohibition of a Berlin Wall without the visibles of boundary and barbed wire. US - Unified States - alienate those trapped in Away due to Holocaustic circumstance. And Rachel, one of the young Regs, decides to connect with Pathik in the Away world, offering help and seeking answers to her own father's disappearance. The setting is intriguing but tends to dominate the novel. Somehow the questions around Ms Moore's The Property on the US side become a little weathered, verging on repetitive and there's a frustrating urge to get on with some action. We spend too long with the orchids in the greenhouse and too long gazing at digims (photos). There is a sequel called Away. Perhaps this long-winded "prologue" may seem more valid in the sequel.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Night in Hell

A Night In Hell cover

Jacko is a reporter with a
Tainted reputation
Launching into yesterday's news with a
Healthy dob of skepticism
And some 

Meeting the echoes of
Yesterday's war in a
Village cemetery

Meeting their context of
Gunfire and
Muddy footprints

Unable to leave one of
His own

Meeting the voices

Hearing their tragedy
Their cursed
Blackened windows and
Closed doors

But he did
Inadvertently manage
To unsmear 
Some window 
To open 
Some door

To bring
Lost voices



A night in hellA night in hell by Liam Foxx
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The scenario was intriguing! The ingredients of World War I, a cemetery, the Somme village and a reporter seeking to mend a damaged reputation all waited to be ignited into a reality cloaked in mystery. But somehow the war got in the way. Descriptive detail of old action sounded a little too like many war stories! And the reporter paled back into an inhibited observer. Perhaps that was the author's intention. But somehow the drive of the story seems frayed at the edges and the conclusion doesn't really rescue the original purpose. Perhaps the story spiked with war action may suit male readers more than female.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Birnam Wood

in The New Yorker - September 3, 2012
(Notes/quotes in my Webnotes - begin from the bottom up!)

Existing in a chicken coop lifestyle
Plagued by 

Luxuriating at
Birnam Wood
A Tudor house in a
Lakeside setting

There was really no question of preferred choice
If opportunity 

But the glitter of luxury
A sticky substance
A kind of Macbeth consequence
Specially formulated for those who could lay no rightful claim of ownership to

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