The Marble Collector (2015) - Cecelia Ahern
the marble world
a candy army
The Marble Collector by Cecelia Ahern
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Marble Collector is not a gripping, linear narrative; it is a mysterious collection of circumstances that loosely connect and hopefully find a more meaningful connection. The novel represents a metronome comparison of father Fergus' and daughter Sabrina's memoirs which evolve separately and then finally connect. It does not delve into a range of individual characters, but looks at a tapestry of characters influencing the 2 central characters and their mini memoirs. And the secrets all evolve around the unexpected presence of marbles - their competition and their art. In a sense, the novel is a uniquely unfolding mystery where there is no visible crime, but rather a crime of the spirit. Father Fergus has 2 identities that need resolving and daughter Sabrina feels that she hasn't found her identity. It takes a dementia crisis to find answers, to find resolutions. If you lay aside expectations of what a novel should be, then this novel is a refreshing detour into other possibilities.
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